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Home-Wizard User Reviews

We conducted a survey of users to get their reviews of Home-Wizard. Below is a summary of the user reviews, and this is followed by the full user reviews.

You will notice that some of the reviews are from users who have been using Home-Wizard since as far back as 2004.

Summary of Reviews

We are very pleased with the feedback from the survey, and it is exciting to hear that users are finding Home-Wizard so valuable for them:

  • 98% rated Home-Wizard as either 'outstanding' or 'very good.'
  • 88% said they would recommend Home-Wizard to a friend.
  • 92% reported that Home-Wizard has helped them to save energy.
  • 88% said that Home-Wizard has helped them make their home more safe.
  • 96% reported that Home-Wizard has made it easier for them to take care of their home.

Below you can read full user reviews, which include what they like the most about Home-Wizard, and why they think that home professionals (such as realtors, home inspectors, etc.) should offer Home-Wizard to their clients.